CBSE shan't settle for mediocrity!
For ages untold, thy brethern have been tortured. No more shall we let this happen. War begins now. ICSE, thine rival, CBSE comes. Prepare for our liberation isn't far. Our father, Alecc daddy has twerked for thy CBSE, thee efforts shan't go to waste. Brethren, let this post be the last, ICSE, thy Doma on the behalf of CBSE challenges you to a battle on the 1st if April. With each word, our liberation begins. With each post, our salvation comes nearer!
For ages untold, thy brethern have been tortured. No more shall we let this happen. War begins now. ICSE, thine rival, CBSE comes. Prepare for our liberation isn't far. Our father, Alecc daddy has twerked for thy CBSE, thee efforts shan't go to waste. Brethren, let this post be the last, ICSE, thy Doma on the behalf of CBSE challenges you to a battle on the 1st if April. With each word, our liberation begins. With each post, our salvation comes nearer!