Opiates stopped my HyperHidrosis
A while back while I was using drugs, I came across the percocets that would be floating around on the streets. Once I would use them I’ve noticed that my sweating would drop by I would say 90% which was weird because I have full body HH & this little pill would stop it. It could be 95 degrees outside real humid & not even a drop. Usually when I’m chilling with my friends I would be the only one sweating for who knows why & they wouldn’t sweat at all. But once we were using they would start sweating like they just got done running a marathon & I was finally normal for once. It’s like my situation completely switched. ( On half a pill I can still function without it being to obvious) I can run around, do tasks, talk to other people, things that would usually cause me to sweat a lot but this completely changed me. It sounds weird I know that’s why I wanted to see if other people had the same experience as me.
Edit: thank you all for your replies so it seems like I’m not the only one whose sweating decreases a significant amount when a particular something is consumed, interesting