Everything cool and all, but THIS.
I joined solo vs duo. When i reached the second clue, boss already got banished. Since there is a low chance of running accross the map, kill everyone, get the butcher bounty and extract, i decided to:
kill all mobs around the circus, kill the bear, do the baloons, take the 3 pledge bounty and run. Beeing chased by 6 people (3 different teams, that somehow managed to never shoot at each other), running circles, do a hit here and there, i managed to get a 4 shot boon with my last pledge, that i made while running away. Finally arriving at the extract, 4 people in darksight, timer ticking...
I did a quick hit with my Krag and was able to go out. I took ALL OF THAT SHIT on me, for what? 282 Dollars. Crytek seriously? Just camping and facking killing 2 people is giving more reward. Why should someone ever do the bounty nor kill the boss, if you just can kill everybody by playing passively and go to the circus afterwards. Having the bounty marks you on the map, everybody wants to fackin kill you. For what? I repeat, 282 Dollards. Is this some kind of joke?
Edit after nearly 24 hours: I'm not poor, i'm not wondering why i have "no money". I know this game is pvp and for the people that didn't get the point at all: I'm pointing out that taking the event bounty is useless!