Maysilee Donnor Effect
I noticed how important it was for Haymitch to go into the games with a love interest already attached because without it Maysilee and Haymitch would be a steadfast ship in the making. (For me anyway)
I think it’s cause it was late and I had take a sleep aid while reading but I had the thought “it would be so interesting for two of the tributes to fall in love but suffer the anguish of being in the games together” like an absolute dumbass. I did come to the realization a second after I thought it. But back to my point, Maysilee and Haymitch were set up so well for enemies to lovers. If they actually did develop those feelings for each other, oh I would eat it up. Or even the tragedy of a one sided love on Maysilees end but then Haymitch having to come home with the reminder of her twin would hit so hard. I do see the irony of pointing out one-sided love but this story would remain as such.
I think the reason on why I’m not so keen Lenore is cause we hardly knew her besides being basically Lucy imo which I understand the possible purpose of haunting Snow. I’m generally just so drawn to Maysilee though. Ugh I love her. She ate the entire time. In my mind it would be interesting if Haymitch propelled the star-crossed angle for Peeta and Katniss after seeing the capital maybe pushing that narrative on him and Maysilee.
BUT I do also understand the repetition of a romance in the arena growing old.