3rd Quarter Quell reaping theories?

Ok to preface I didn't read the whole SOTR book but this will contain spoilers bc I read pieces here and there and it made me wonder if any of the other reapings for the 3rd Quarter Quell might have been picked by Snow besides Katniss?

I was thinking about this mainly regarding a specific person/people which seem more important but to list a few others first, Cashmere & Gloss as siblings? Very sad but also suspicious for the wow factor? Finnick and Annie? Because of what Finnick knows? (I was gonna mention "but he's popular so why do that to the capitol citizens" but same can be said for Katniss & a few other victors) Annie because her & Finnick are together? Johanna because she's feisty?

MAINLY, how did Snow let BEETEE get reaped if he's so valuable to the capitol? I know he got Ampert reaped to punish him but that's because he couldn't kill Beetee. Unless this really all was random besides Katniss.

An honorable mention is Wiress bc of her connection to Haymitch but from what everyone is saying apparently she gets tortured after Haymitch's games? I'm guessing for being his mentor or they found out she messed with the electricity in the building? I would say I thought Snow had done enough to her & wouldn't care about her but I guess a theory could be he could do worse so he also manipulated her/other reapings? What do you guys think?