Best Song To Analyze As Poetry?

Hi! I’m currently taking a Lit class with my favorite professor (who is also a big Hozier fan!) and we’re in our “analyzing poetry” unit. For the last week of it he is having us turn in our favorite songs to be analyzed by the class as poetry, and I’m having a terrible time deciding which of Hozier’s songs I want to nominate. I had a list of: Wasteland, Baby! Unknown / Nth In a Week Talk Cherry Wine Foreigner’s God Swan Upon Leda From Eden To Be Alone Shrike Be (Acoustic) Nina Cried Power Francesca Wildflower and Barley I narrowed it down to In a Week, Shrike, Francesca, and Wildflower and Barley, but I can’t pick. Is there another song I’m missing that might be best for this? Which one of those four is the best option?

ETA: I ended up picking Swan Upon Leda! Thank you for all the suggestions.