Low effort hobbies to replace doom scrolling?
I (25 F) am in a pretty rough season of my life and i’m feeling very depressed. I am keeping up with exercise and trying to take care of myself during this time. I work from home and because I get a lot of my work done pretty quickly, I usually have my whole afternoons/evenings free.
I have hobbies. Intense ones like hiking and exercise. And more chill ones like painting and sculpting. But I need something to replace doom scrolling on social media. Because i’m depressed right now, getting out my paint or clay and then putting it away feels like a really big task. I also am not feeling super inspired and am not enjoying those two hobbies as much as I do when i’m not in a funk. I started spending a ton of time on my phone, specially social media, and just scrolling for hours. this has definitely made things worse. I deleted the apps off my phone tonight in an attempt to try and start feeling a little better.
What are some simple, low effort hobbies to replace doom scrolling? Things I can do that will keep me occupied, but won’t take too much energy (like maybe I could do them on the couch or in bed, even)?
Thank you for any ideas!
Edit: Thank you all so much for the replies! Ya’ll are all so nice and have given me a lot of ideas. I downloaded some audiobooks last night and I’m going look for a puzzle today. I’m so happy i’ll be able to come back to this thread to get more ideas later. Something traumatic happened to me a few months ago, and i am going through the process of healing. I wanted to be able to not over exert myself during this time and find something that brings me comfort. I have a good therapist and a great support system that is aware of what I am going through. I’m continuing to go outside, walk my dog, take care of my body, and process my grief. Getting off social media and finding something low effort to do will be very beneficial to me. And after only about 12 hours of not room scrolling and instead doing some low effort doodling while listening to an audiobook has already brought me some relief. I seriously can’t thank everyone enough for the suggestions and the kind words!