Rec that has bonkers premise yet takes itself seriously

This is an impulse rec request so bear with me. Anyone have a rec that like the title says, has a bonkers premise yet takes itself seriously?

{The Virgin and the Rogue by Sophie Jordan} is the example I'm thinking of. I did not enjoy the entire book (FMC dragged her feet waaay too long in uncertainty about her fiance who wasn't the MMC) but the beginning lives rent free in my head. FMCs sister makes her a potion for her menstrual cramps and it turns out to be an aphrodisiac. MMC is the black sheep brother of FMCs brother in law iirc and he's there for a short visit. Btw he's written really well and he's kind of an out of sorts ex rake. He's not there to woo anyone and she's already engaged to a safe choice neighbor. But this potion kicks in and the poor girl starts going crazy in the middle of the night because of the potion. She's ferally down to clown and doesn't know what's happening and grabs the MMC in a hallway and just rubs herself all over him😂😂.

There's seriously things wrong with this setup! I could have easily hated it and I totally get anyone who does. But I kind of love when something crazy throws MMCs together and makes someone do something they totally wouldn't otherwise.
Doesn't have to be a potion. And ideally isn't bonkers for the whole story. I probably can't handle a whole story full of crazy.🤪

I prefer no full sex right away, and I also prefer wallflower, spinsters, etc. And MMCs to be decent or smart or just not an asshole. And I'm mostly an audiobook listener.. so my lovelies, do your worst. Or your best? I look forward to the recs! 😅

Oh and I've read some of the baleful godmother books by Emily Larkin which probably fit. They were alright but not more than a 3* for me.

Edit: ANY spice level is fine