Kinda curious as to the backlash
Ive been on HS since Asylum. Once i heard that album i was all in. Even a cover band i was in, half of our sets that we played were their songs. Then BWDW dropped and i was even more so in love with the group. Now this may be unpopular but their last two albums i think, absolutely shit the bed. Ill give exceptions to Upperdrugs and Midnight Demon, i like those tracks but those even werent that great like the first two albums material. Now in 2024 we get a new album with two singles that may be some of their greatest work ever, i mean those are emotional tracks and you can feel it. Johnny poured into those and you cant take that away. Sure he can seem mean to fans but being in the position that hes in and openly talks about, i can see how it can stress a guy out. Not to mention he seems to be the only one in the band really pushing this album as hard as he can, with good reason too. Theres no doubt in my mind this album will be great and i believe he definitely put a lot of work into this record. I just dont see why ive been seeing so much shade being thrown at him in these comments. I think we will be seeing the best HS this year and im stoked.