Did anyone experience this with hiatal hernia?

I posted a version of this post in the AskDocs sub but I got no responses so I found this subreddit and I was wondering if anyone else experienced something similar to me.

I have a followup with my cardiologist next week but I wanted to ask here for some added input. For the year I have felt very badly, dealt with fatigue, exhaustion, my heart rate picking up very quickly, out of breath sensation, and im starting to put a lot of it all together. There is this pressure, that I think has been there slightly for maybe even 2 or 3 years, but it was something I never even thought about it and has only gotten more noticeable in the last few months.

Its right under the sternum at the very bottom of where the sternum ends between the chest and stomach. I just notice what feels like a pressure in that area. I feel it virtually everytime I bend over, I had noticed over the last couple years my heart rate would jump up when I bent over more than I ever remember, and that feeling has gotten more uncomfortable over the last few months, to the point now where I dread bending over at the grocery store to get items on a low shelf or having to pick things up off the floor. Also, I like to lay down for a little bit before falling asleep, and I get up to go to the bathroom before going to sleep, when I do I notice my heart rate will jump up to 120-130 and will stay there for a few minutes and along with it I notice a pressure in that area, which almost feels like a squeezing feeling.

I also get this out of breath feeling very easily, quick motions, like yanking the sheets up on your bed will cause it, its at times I know I shouldnt be out of breath, but it gives the sensation like I need to breathe a little harder, this will only last a minute or so but its weird. Sometimes bending or straining will do that too. I have had an uptick in acid reflux or gas indigestion as well, that doesnt seem affected by Zantac too much. Even walking around sometimes I start getting that feeling.

When im sitting still im usually ok, but once I start moving around I just start feeling bad.

Is there anything else I need to be concerned about? I mean heart disease I'd think is unlikely. Back in 2010 I had extensive heart testing when I was having some nerve issues, so my cardiologist doesnt seem concerned about heart disease. I did have the event back in November where my heart rate was 141 for no explained reason, but my cardiologist didnt seem concerned. I did wear a 30 day event monitor after that, and caught a few times where my heart rate was higher in events like I explained above, and it showed nothing other than tachycardia on any of the readings I got.

I also deal with extreme fatigue and weakness daily.