Colorado Will Always Suck
I've played WOA for nearly a thousand hours, half of that within Freelancer, and I will never get over how profoundly Colorado sucks.
The map itself has always been okay, the original storyline solid. And I've always liked the farm setting and its myriad details. But I know it's not just me. Take just one step in the wrong direction and the yellow WUH-ISHHHHHH suspicious bullshit starts and whoa, you better back up or sidestep, 47, before three douchebag bros open fire.
Every now and then, hanging out on the watertower with a sniper rifle can be satisfying. That is until the whole fucking militia shows up on the roof below. I have tried bringing a bunch of guns up to the watertower ahead of time and picking off everyone who relentlessly streams onto the roof. But more often than not, the militia wears me down and I say f*ck it and commit suicide by Colorado douchebag militia bro and gracelessly fall from the water tower in a sad bullet-riddled heap.
I've tried to like Colorado. I really have. But overall, it's simply too punishing a level