How do you tell someone you have HSV after sex ?

Before the judgement , we have been dating for about a month and I told him that we have to get tested together before sex which he agreed . We had a party where all our friends were over my place and since I was home I drank a lot . He initiated while we were both drunk I tried to stop it and now I feel bad . I’ve been sitting on how to tell him but with this past week it hasn’t been the same and I think we are going to break up .

I really want to tell him but I think he is talking to someone else and idk . I would never want to put anyone through what I went through

Please do not say this man raped me , there was no force or coercion. We both were drunk , we both weren’t thinking with our minds . It was the heat of the moment . I tried stopping by saying “maybe we should wait” but WE BOTH WERE DRUNK AND DID NOT LISTEN TO EACH OTHER