Having a blast with the new enemies

Man, I'm loving the new enemies. For the first time since the release of difficulty 10, I actually feel like I'm playing a cooperative game—just like it's supposed to be.

As a veteran of Helldivers 1, I loved the initial launch of difficulty 10. The whole team had to stick together to survive through the objectives. But over time, as the game got easier, that feeling started to fade... However, with these new enemies, I'm getting that same feeling again.

Today, I had an amazing and highly coordinated match. I joined a team of randoms, and not a single word was spoken the entire game, yet everyone stuck together the whole time. No selfish lone-wolf loadouts. I even put my jetpack aside to mix in some crowd control and heavy control. We pushed through all the objectives slowly, dealing with every bug breach along the way, and finally made it to extraction.

The entire game was filled with that constant tension, challenging us every second. This is the Helldivers experience I’ve been missing—pure chaos and incredibly rewarding.

Man i love this game