I feel very violated by my "doctor"
had an colposcopy done today with a new doctor i've never seen before because my nurse who does pap smears can't do them and he's one of two obgyns in town but they share a practice. I told him I have really bad depression and anxiety and its been a rough couples years to where ive gone from 140 to 94 pounds. Everything was going fine until he walks in after ive undressed and on the table. He does not wash his hands he has a big cut on his hands and keeps fixing his face mask and proceds to pat the bottom of the table asking me to keep moving foward to his hands with no gloves on he is inches from my vagina. I ask him to please wash your hands and put gloves on.
He gets upset saying he washed his hands before coming in the room but if i need him to he can wash again. He washes them and comes back at me still no gloves on until i repeat over and over you need gloves. I feel like the procedure went on for longer than it should have and it hurt really bad. After wards he washes his hands and the nurse books it out of there to where its just us and im still undressed. he then sits maybe two feet away from me and starts going off about how I should trust my doctor and trust that he washed his hands in another room.
And asks how long ive been afraid of germs and been like this. I explain my germaphobia and my agoraphobias and this guy then says that's no way to live not really a point to livng. And then asks if I couldnt shake his hand then how is it I have a boyfriend and let him touch me? I'm like ughhh your a stranger. He then says i need therapy that most therapists use exposure theraphy and proceeds to rub his hand all over the lamp they use to see in the vagina better and says i bet you couldn't do this. I said nope, he goes I bet your heart is just racing.And says after touching this he'll be just fine and go home no issues. He then keeps stroking that lamp and Says he wants to help me get better, I need help I tell him I just saw a doctor im on antianxity meds he says that giving me pills won't help that whoever gave them to me is not good. And then says I bet you dont like me sitting this close to you talking to you and I tell him I do not. I'm so pissed off that this happend and how could a doctor treat someone like this knowing I have mental helath issues and how is it legal he was in the room alone with me while I had no pants on?
I fully intend on reporting him but i'm debating on waiting until I have my test results back becasue I feel like the office will be petty and not want to tell me or not tell me the full details for retaliation. I also told my sister what had happend and she told me that while she was pregnant she saw him a few times and everytime he was rude and didnt listen if you told him he was hurting her.