Yet another 490 Pro DAC+Amp thread...

After much debate I've decided to go with the 490 Pros. I'd like to get a USB DAC to go with it because my motherboard audio is not only utter garbage and picks up all kinds of junk, but the software and driver suck too!

I've searched through various posts here and elsewhere and have an idea of what the market looks like but haven't seen anything quite specific to what I'm looking for.

And that is: * USB input for data+power (ie no additional power cable needed) * somewhat slim as I'll be mounting it under my desk * balanced output preferred but necessary * no volume knob needed since I can control it from my keyboard * can drive the 490s * budget in the ~$200 range

If I could have a tiny box with just USB C on one end and TRRS on the other that would be great. Haven't found one though.

So far from what I'm seeing, Fiio K3S and iFi Zen DAC 3 would work, though the latter seems a bit big. Any other suggestions? Thanks!!