Is this back and forth normal?

Hi! I was diagnosed on 2023 with Hashimotos after my OBGYN found my TSH to be .04 and sent me to endocrinologist. Since then I have seen 2 endocrinologists and this has been my progression. I am going back and forth between hypo and hyper.

I got my most recent blood results back yesterday and my appointment isnt for another 2 weeks. It seems like the last time I was there my TSH was pretty normal and now I am hyper??? (and i wont be able to speak to my dr for weeks uch)

My question is, why did my doctor up my dose to 75mcg in December when my TSH wasnt so bad? Am i not understanding this correctly? Let me know what you think please! Thanks!

TSH levels: 

June 6, 2023: .04 

June 26, 2023:   0.1

November 2023:   2.0

Feb 2024: 2.76 

September 2024:

TSH = 1.69

(began 25mcg of Levothyroxine September 20, 2024) 

November 14, 2024:

TSH = 1.23

December 2024: 

TSH = 1.99 & T4 1.4

- doctor upped dose to 75mcg 

March 2025 

TSH = .024 

T4 = 1.96