Help! Dissending for sweets quest bug (switch)

Prefacing with it's not my first playthrough so I know I'm not doing anything wrong.

I'm playing the dissending for sweets quest and I'm on the last platform, I've repaired it and now I need to accio the frame into place before I can levitate it but accio isn't working. I've aimed at the frame, aimed at the handle, nothing is working. I've tried restarting the game, restarting the console, no dice.

Is there any way I can fix this, I don't have any manual or auto saves before taking the quest to reload and ideally I don't want to have to restart my whole save again.

Prefacing with it's not my first playthrough so I know I'm not doing anything wrong.

I'm playing the dissending for sweets quest and I'm on the last platform, I've repaired it and now I need to accio the frame into place before I can levitate it but accio isn't working. I've aimed at the frame, aimed at the handle, nothing is working. I've tried restarting the game, restarting the console, no dice.

Is there any way I can fix this, I don't have any manual or auto saves before taking the quest to reload and ideally I don't want to have to restart my whole save again.