BIG question about Hannibal's sense of smell.

This has been on my mind for a while. Like a whole while. So we know Hannibal has a... amplified sense of smell. And I couldn't help but wonder. Could Hannibal Lector. The Doctor Hannibal Lecter smell if you were on your period. Like he could just smell you and beside your scent or normal/natural smell, he could also smell blood on you. Like say Alana still had her periods(that is if she is old enough to stop having her periods of course or if she still has her periods despite her apparent age). Could it be possible that Hannibal could smell it on her? Like oh, it was during that time they were getting freaky in the sheets and one night, Hannibal wants to get freaky but then suddenly, he smells a metallic or irony, bloody smell from her. And I think he'd be confused like "Is this woman hurt." Or like he'd be confused as to why she smelled like that despite having no physical injuries. Unless he could also snell internal bleeding. Periods are sorta like that in a way but still. Or maybe he'd be able to tell that she was on her period based on how the blood smells like? Just a big question that's been running through my mind since I learned of his sense of smell.