Tried to go light purple, ended up green?
Hi! I was wanting to dye my hair a light purple, pastel if possible. I went to Sally's beauty and got the products the lady recommended and followed the instructions exactly, but it didn't work. I'm unsure of how to proceed.
First I used this color undo kit. It was called Colour Undo. I had dyed my hair black several months prior (atleast 6), but she recommended we do this incase. My hair is naturally a dark brown. It didn't seem to make my hair lighter at all, except for a little on the ends. This was fine.
Next I bleached it. I thought I may need 30 vol developer. The lady recommended 20, so we went with that. The top 3 inches of my hair lightened to a yellowy blonde. The rest turned almost an auburn color. This was unfortunate, but I assumed the ColourUndo didn't remove all the black, which is fine.
Then we toned it. The toner didn't appear to do much, even on the blonde portions. This was worrying.
Then we dyed it. Usually I use Ion permanent dye, however for the color I wanted she recommended Arcticfox perriwinkle, so we went with that. My hair is quite long so we used the whole 8oz bottle. The bottle recommended to wrap your hair in plastic wrap and blow dry it some, so I did that.
Then I rinsed with cool water away from my face as the bottle said. I figured the bottom portion of my hair would probably be a little tinted at best, which was okay. However the blonde part (new growth id assume) on the top of my head didn't turn purple except for a couple parts on my scalp. The rest is just odd. I don't know what to do. I'm considering going over it all with Ion permanent in the color plum. Thoughts? (And prayers)
Hi! I was wanting to dye my hair a light purple, pastel if possible. I went to Sally's beauty and got the products the lady recommended and followed the instructions exactly, but it didn't work. I'm unsure of how to proceed.
First I used this color undo kit. It was called Colour Undo. I had dyed my hair black several months prior (atleast 6), but she recommended we do this incase. My hair is naturally a dark brown. It didn't seem to make my hair lighter at all, except for a little on the ends. This was fine.
Next I bleached it. I thought I may need 30 vol developer. The lady recommended 20, so we went with that. The top 3 inches of my hair lightened to a yellowy blonde. The rest turned almost an auburn color. This was unfortunate, but I assumed the ColourUndo didn't remove all the black, which is fine.
Then we toned it. The toner didn't appear to do much, even on the blonde portions. This was worrying.
Then we dyed it. Usually I use Ion permanent dye, however for the color I wanted she recommended Arcticfox perriwinkle, so we went with that. My hair is quite long so we used the whole 8oz bottle. The bottle recommended to wrap your hair in plastic wrap and blow dry it some, so I did that.
Then I rinsed with cool water away from my face as the bottle said. I figured the bottom portion of my hair would probably be a little tinted at best, which was okay. However the blonde part (new growth id assume) on the top of my head didn't turn purple except for a couple parts on my scalp. The rest is just odd. I don't know what to do. I'm considering going over it all with Ion permanent in the color plum. Thoughts? (And prayers)