“i got better…she was pissed off”

THIS clip is one of the top reasons I hate Hailey. When you love someone, you want them to do well with OR without you. She hurt him badly enough before they were married for him to ignore her for two years straight.

Hailey would ask their mutual friends what was going on with him and when she found out he was getting better outside of her toxic stalker bubble she got pissed. That is not love. I’ve been in love, and even though it didn’t last, I want him to be happy.

I want him to have a good life. I would never be pissed that he is thriving. Every time someone tries to defend this evil person I think of this clip and I get so sad for him. He was trying to work on himself, be a better person.

He escaped and began to heal — she waited until he was most vulnerable, and dragged him back in. I will always dislike this bitch.

(P.S. - first time posting in this sub so please lmk if I broke any rules accidentally or anything)