"Harry!!" Yelled Ginny, paling when she saw the bloodied and pale boy on the floor.

Hendrick Gryffindor is the son of Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff, even if he has a little sister, she has his mom's last name, as they are both an eligible heir for the specific families.

He is 25, and ever since his father disappeared when he was five, bunch of suitors came to the Gryffindor estate to try and court his mom.

Still, he was left with the Gryffindor relic of the sword of Gryffindor.

Then he ended up drawn into a duel against one of the suitors after he called his mom a tramp.

Just when he was about to get stabbed, everything stopped, and fricking Frigg showed up, and helped him turn the tide against the suitor by lending him her slight foresight ability.

He didn't win, but managed to show he wasn't a pushover against them. He hid the sword inside the Sorting Hat, enchanting it that when Hogwarts were in danger, anyone could pull it out and use it.




Harry Potter was the son of James Potter and Lily Evans, he was the unknowing heir to the Potter family.

He was also twelve when he died.

The Chamber of secrets had been opened, and Harry, as a parseltongue, was blamed for the petrifications. He couldn't do anything about it until Ginny Weasley was pulled into the chamber, and Moaning Myrtle, a ghost he'd befriended, told him about the entrance.

With Ron and Lockhart, they went inside, and then Lockhart tried to erase their memories before it backfired on him and a cave-in was caused.

Then he ended up fighting the basilisk while Tom Riddle taunted him with his own and Ginny's death.

After basically a game of cat and mouse, the sorting hat and Fawkes appeared out of nowhere, and he fricking pulled Gryffindor's sword out of the hat.

He attacked when he could, but those scales were impenetrable, the only time he managed to strike was the only one he needer for both their deaths.

He stabbed through the roof of the basilisk's mouth, watching the tip come from the top when a sudden pain stabbed through his forearm, a fang from the basilisk was in his arm. Using his last dregs of rapidly diminishing strength, he took the diary from Ginny and stabbed it with the fang four times for good measure.

As the world began getting blurrier and fuzzy, he saw a bright red silhouette suddenly wake up, and he rasped one last *open* in parseltongue for the entrance to open, he did not wish for the innocent eleven year old to die.

He didn't want to die either, but it seemed there was no other way, his right hand gripped Gryffindor's sword as he thought of the fact that at least all the Weasleys were alive, the petrified students would soon go back to normal, and that he'd soon join back with his parents, away from Aunt Petunia, away from Uncle Vernon, away from Dudley, away from Piers Polkiss, away from crazy expectations from something he doesn't even remember.

He could only say that the basilisk had terrified him, and he was sure what his worst fear was now.

At least he knew that everything would turn out alright for everyone else, Hermione and Ron would move on, Ginny would get medical help, and his body would stay here. Suddenly an armored girl about Percy's age suddenly appears in a horse, and reaches her hand out to him. He grips it and it all goes black.

OR: Harry dies and goes to Valhalla (it's a MCGA crossover)