"Harry... what's this?" Asked Ron while looking at the weirdly wand-shaped package Harry just gave him. "Why, I made you a new wand!"
One of Harry's multiple fans he didn't know about managed to give him a wandlore book when he was five years old in a grocery store, this led to Harry being obsessed with wandlore and arts and crafts, he spent the time he wasn't in the cupboard or doing chores studying and trying to make his very own wand.
Sadly, Privet Drive was basically he antithesis of magical creatures, including bowtruckles, which he found out told him what trees were suitable for wand making and which weren't.
It didn't take long for him to reach a new chapter, explaining that sometimes, wood from trees and creatures you're extremely close with end up overruling wandlore by already being connected to your magic and self.
He tried with normal trees and hairs he managed to pluck from Aunt Marge's dogs. It didn't do much, but it helped him to integrate cores into woods in a safe way as well as properly carving the branches into a wand shape.
By the time he was ten, when he received his first Hogwarts letter, he'd realized that he was a wizard, and he'd unknowingly burned his magic into a tree in the backyard, as the book said people normally do (burn their magic into important objects), of course, it was a Sycamore tree where he spent more than a week sleeping over if you added all of the hours together due to Ripper, and one specific cat from Mrs. Figgs.
So he stole a hair from the cat, and a branch from the tree, and began working inside the shed.
It took five tries and a lot of explosions from the materials acting explosively until he finally had a functional wand of his own.
When Ron told him that his wand was a hand-me-down, he frowned and decided on making him a new wand that fit him properly.
Thus, when he and Ron crashed into the Whomping Willow and Ron broke his wand, he decided it was imperative to act now and not let Ron go around with a broken wand.
Finding a knot that froze the whomping willow, Harry managed to get a branch, he had only one chance at this.
And for the core? Harry knew Scabbers wasn't a normal rat, if it belonged to Percy before Ron, so he plucked out one of his whiskers (with permission of course, he could read animal body language very well.) and used it as that.
And so, he gave it to Ron at the end of the year, a Whomping Willow wand with a Plague Rat whisker core.
Who knew Scabbers would be from an almost extinct type of magical rat whose blood could heal almost any plague?
On another note, did you know they used feathers from flying animals to help a broom be capable of flight? And that the broom imitates the movements of such bird?
Harry often wondered if Privet Drive was the antithesis to magicals, or a magical haven for the last magical creatures that were thought to be extinct?
A broom with a Golden Snidget feather seemed pretty cool.