You’re a Hufflepuff no matter what 😆
No matter what house you choose, the MC will always act like a Hufflepuff. I’m constantly helping everyone. When I’m not actively doing that, people seek me out to help them with everything. I’m constantly putting myself in danger, at risk of danger or getting into trouble to help other people because they can’t seem to manage on their own…even the staff! ( Flitwick can’t open a trunk without the MC to cast the spell?😆 And don’t get me started on all the things Hagrid needs help with! 🙄) Everyone I’m ‘friends’ with is someone who constantly uses me for something, but rarely does anything for me. If this doesn’t brand me as a Hufflepuff (nothing wrong with that house, one of my favorite wizards was in it), nothing does. But I’m SLYTHERIN! I don’t want to keep having to help these incompetent people! Invent a task or quest that makes me use them for my gains once in a while. 😆Jeez. How are they all not failing or still have a job (looking at you, Hagrid😂).