New Learning Curve On Gwen
I've been playing Gwen since her release and I've been there for every buff and nerf along the way and I'm here to tell you Gwen is perfectly fine right now if not a little OP. After the Nerf which was needed Gwen is now back to how she used to be in 22-23 Her build should change every game depending on teams and lane matchups. Brusier Gwen can only win lane vs certain champs same thing with AP Gwen knowing which matchups you are allowed to get away with certain things is the game changer. Gwen is still the best split pusher in the game and also has one of the best team fights of any AP champs in the game you have to identify your win con before the game and build accordingly whether that's gonna be Nash into lich for split or steel caps and seekers for lane bullies or rift and cosmic for tanks. Gwen in my opinion right now is probs the best top champ in the game I truly believe she doesn't have any auto-lose matchups anymore if you understand how to build her.
For context, I'm a diamond Gwen main