School of Rock Guitar Instructor Audition Question
Hey y'all! I applied to be a Part-Time Guitar Instructor at School of Rock, despite a lack of formal musical education and surprisingly got a call from the General Manager of the franchise to schedule an interview. I'm wondering if anybody here has worked at School of Rock or knows somebody who has and would have any insights into what I could expect from the interview/audition, or anything else that might be relevant?
I've been playing guitar for twelve years and have played dozens of shows with local bands throughout Texas in different genres (mostly punk and metal, but also blues gigs, pop, acoustic solo shows, etc.) but have very limited music theory knowledge. I know my scales and I'm sure could memorize the modes on guitar by this coming Tuesday if needed, as well as most chord voicings, but there is a large knowledge gap between myself and somebody who has studied at a music conservatory. For example, if you asked me to play a I-V-IV progression in G# on a loop then solo over it in G# mixolydian or something, asking me about the... tonic, triad, whatever, I'd be SOL. I understand some, if not most, of School of Rock's students are beginners and that the goal of SoR is to teach simplified versions of songs within a large pop repertoire to these students so they can perform live with other students in front of friends and family. No doubt in my mind that I would be able to help with that, since I've taught other beginners privately before and understand how showing somebody a power chord can be a gamechanger, as well as picking techniques and simple scales/progressions - basically, teaching kids songs is where I think I shine since I have a lot of patience and experience working with younger students (not all of whom actually wanted to be there). With these strengths and weaknesses in mind, I'm pretty nervous about the interview since I don't want to go in just to make a fool out of myself in front of people who think I should be a student there rather than a teacher. Does anybody have any thoughts or tips on what might be helpful to know or practice before this audition? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!