I'm Leaving Guilty gear for Bleach Rebirth of Souls because...

I feel like they lost the Plot. The state of season 4 is terrible. They added a bunch of reworks and changed them and added them back. As a result Pot is King Kong. There's been tonnes of gamebreaking bugs.

Too many characters feel too frustrating to play against where I have to work 10x harder than them to get the same result **cough cough** Potemkin **cough cough**.

There's been no updates since dizzy. There's no costumes, still no ranked. 3v3 was just as underwhelming as Dizzy. Im just playing the same shit over and over at this point. I don't think Venom will save the game and devs seem like they don't care about it either. Rayn spoke pretty well about a bunch more reasons why I'm leaving.

I've also been playing a bunch of other games and they're so much more fun. Monster hunter, Brawlhalla, Rivals of Aether, Granblue, EVEN TEKKEN!!!

One i've been super excited for is Bleach which looks like it's gonna be pretty active. There's a lot of source material to draw from for lore. There's a huge bleach community out there, It's another anime game, they have a lot of similar mechanics from guilty gear and a real respectable cast of characters already in the game. The game looks super fun and looks like it'll be active and updated regularly and they got a lot of stuff to draw from to update it. Will let yall know my thoughts on it!

But I love guilty gear and I really hope it has a major comeback 🥲