New grimes interview fed me

I just screenshot some highlights so we can discuss them. First of all do we believe she doesn’t really know about yarvin stuff, chat? I highly doubt it, she used to call herself a technocrat 🤷 But I understand why she would not go into detail about his ideas given her current life circumstances.

And I think is very interesting how she says the Reddit is kind of toxic and how (I’m guessing she is implying) we think she might be evil. I’m totally in that space, part of me really worries that she might be a nrx lol but I’m kind of convinced she is just out there in the world absorbing all she can. But idk I could never go to Curtis yarvin a weeding, it would be like going to Voldemort’s birthday.

What are your takes on this??

Is grimes secretly evil? Are we actually toxic? I just would love for her to be transparent about everything but I think that will never happen at least in the near future. And the way she is like just give them music and they will shut up 😹 no we won’t, silly rabbit.