Are y'all still f'ing w her?

I do need to ask this subreddit - after everything are y'all still fucking w Grimes?

edit - This thread has gotten kinda out of control and I apologize for that. I came here to ask a question and just check out everyone's thoughts and prefaced my question with my own anecdote and opinion not thinking about how my comments would effect people. I have sympathy for Claire and I wish her the best, and I don't believe she is out here promoting white supremacy but I don't think discussion about Grimes as a public figure is a bad thing.

It reached a much larger audience than I would have thought and there are things I did not see before asking this question (namely, a recent exchange on a social media platform that has since been deleted) it was not meant as a personal attack or to dogpile on her bc of the actions of a person she cannot control. I brought some weird energy to this sub but I appreciate the perspectives that people brought to the table. Anyway! Here is the original text


Not releasing music is one thing (fair) but the second she started to associate with and support the musty clown that is Elon I immediately backed out.

2016 was a different time and they were both tech weirdos at first who seemed like an odd couple, but hearing more about his ideology and seeing how he treats people around him it makes me feel like.. there's no way a sane person could continuously sign up for/excuse the behavior unless their self esteem is in the toilet or they are idealogically similar. I have never liked Elon and I was a huge Grimes fan but as soon as they made a few more appearances together .. that was a no. Seeing the events she's attending and the company she is keeping, even harder no.

It's been really gross to see her continue to have this relationship when he so clearly does not care for her or their children. I feel sad for her bc she is in so deep and just wants the best for her children but my sympathy is limited. I'm sure this comes off as super cruel but I have limited compassion for the super wealthy who have full control over their actions.

Grimes subreddit, what are your thoughts? Maybe this post will be taken down but I have intense curiosity. Give me all of your thoughts


(12+ hours later edit bc I'm surprised this post is still up) thank you all for engaging in this topic. Grimes meant a lot to me at one point and I've made my decision on who I want to support but it's been cool to hear everyone's opinions. I hope this thread has provided y'all w something to chew on.

Seems like the main points I'm seeing are either

1 - yes I did like Grimes but the combo of no new music and her choosing to align w right facing people (as recent as January of this year, 2025) is ruining new, and sometimes older, music for fans. Especially w her previous declaration of being a feminist communist seeming super insincere now (which is where I'm at, especially bc she has been announced for World Pride... And like, girl you can't play both sides these days like that)

2 - having sympathy for her situation and wanting to support her more now bc of it, especially as she is coming out of this relationship (respect)

3 - people didn't ever like her music but are just here for the show/they don't really care too much

4 - not actively listening now but hits are hits are hits (in which I also agree)

4 - liking her music then and now and not caring where she's at politically, separating art from artist

At the end of the day it feels like we are all recognizing the abuse and manipulation she has gone through and seeing it happen in real time publicly is really sad. I have sympathy for her and I feel like most people do, it's not hard to see and hear what she has said and recognize she is in deeper shit than she may have realized. But outside of this specific relationship she is still currently aligning w conservatives while also trying to save face in certain circles, and in this American political climate you can't really do that and expect that most people will just go with it and continue to support. It's a complicated situation.

For those in camp 4 I do have to ask, if you are interested in this type of music, why not find and support actual queer/nonwhite/GNC/feminist/etc artists who's lives are being impacted by the current administration (and ones before it) instead of holding on to hoping she will release new music?

And - if you have said her politics have nothing to do w her and your life, escapism is escapism but I ask you to look a little deeper into what you are consuming. I'm a 'put your money where your mouth is, power of the purse' kind of guy, which is super relevant in the age of hyper consumerism where everyone has some sort of agenda. We don't exist in a vacuum and thinking about what you are consuming/listening to is healthy for your mind and society, especially where we are at in the US of A

Anyway, thank you guys! Have a great day and take care of yourselves


24 hours later edit - this post has become much more replied to than I anticipated in the way that I can't interact w every comment anymore. Thanks for throwing your hat in the ring everyone and go volunteer at your local shelter