How to Level 3 All Vendors

Recently finished all quest and got all vendors to level 3. There a some other posts on how to get all vendors to level 3 you can look at them. Here I will give some tips and tricks on how to do it easily.

There is 172 quest in total including 4 hidden quests. 2 of these quests Hazardous Treasures and Terminal Initiative doesn't give any vendor XP. Hidden quests in question are The Rebel Path, They Are Everywhere, Incognito and At Doom's Gate.

And lastly there is 2 more quests locked behind another quest so you have to pick the right vendor in order to get locked quest. Quest in question are Downsizing from Turncoat and What's In The Box from Banshee. To get Downsizing you have to complete the quest A Small Favor, this is a split decision quest between Turncoat and Banshee, pick Turncoat to get Downsizing. Other quest is Noble Powder, again this is split decision between Banshee and Turncoat, pick Banshee on this one to get What's In The Box quest.

DO NOT prioritize Gunny. He has lots of excess points so in split decisions always pick any vendor VS Gunny.

Always choose Banshee in split decisions except No Escape and Baked, instead choose Turncoat.

Always choose artisan VS any vendor. Or snow flake may got hurt.

Always choose Lab rat VS any vendor except Spit Out The Poison, do it in Turncoats favor.

Damn Turncoat is a bit tricky but if you follow the instructions above he should be level 3 by the end.

Always choose any vendor VS Handshake except Gunny. Do Reclamation task in Handshake's favor.

Hope it helps.