This game slaps
My buddy is a huge DC/Batman fan and he got me into it a year or so ago. Watched all the Dcau movies, Young Justice (which i fucking LOVE), and i’m about to watch the JL show. Playing this game with him is an absolute blast. All of the lore and the story itself is so cool, and hearing him geek out about the different characters and telling me why something’s a big deal or just the little details is a blast. We only play like 1 or 2 patrols when we play, so it’s going slow but we don’t mind. Honestly what a great game, yeah it has its issues but so far the story, lore, background details are just so cool and in depth. Getting to see how the four main characters act around each other and deal with the death of bruce is such a cool experience. 10/10 game for us.