Has anyone ever met a coke/meth user who said weed was too much for them?
I (22M) never experienced this myself, but I was coworkers with a dude a year younger than me a while back who told me that there's been multiple times where he's tried to pass a joint or bong hit to someone at a party who had just been seen hitting a meth pipe or sniffing a line of coke...
...only for that person to be like "oh, no thanks, man, I can't handle that" or "oh man, that's too much for me, right there."
I know everyone's entitled to their own preferences, but I'm just curious as to how meth or coke could be less unpleasant/overwhelming than weed.
They sound like the kinda people who say "oh I only do soft drugs like weed, I don't do hard drugs." Only they have it backwards. Like, I just seen you hitting a meth pipe, but a bong rip is "hard" to you? Lol.