Just the ‘Marriage trope’?!?!

Guys, I’m really starting to get annoyed with how much were being gaslit by the pod. Specifically with Holly repeatedly trying to say that her wanting marriage with Hef being ‘a bit’ that she played up for the show.

Her own words and actions beg to differ—we were there, we watched the show, and read/watched interviews at the time. And it doesn’t negate that she got in over her head finding herself in an emotionally abusive relationship. But to completely pretend none of it was ever true, or just an exaggeration is kind of ridiculous. Especially as she can own the whole story and still be sympathetic. But the more she gaslights the audience the more irritated I get. Virtually every person—Hef included— from her ‘era’ has said that she wanted to get married and settle down, including Holly herself

Her quote from Season 1: “In five years I see myself alone with Hef, not that I don't necessarily want other people around. I'm a people person, so having Bridget and Kendra living here is great. But do I like him having other girlfriends? No. I know that I'm his number one girl but I think he needs to get rid of the extra girls.” Full video here

On Getting Married, CNN interview 2005:

CNNhttps://transcripts.cnn.com › segmentInterview With Hugh Hefner

KING: Holly, would you be happy, not to lose their friendship, if they went away? MADISON: I'd love to have them around forever. But there's also the part of me, when you're in love with somebody, you do want to be with them alone. I mean, we're having a great time now. KING: Would you marry, Hugh? MADISON: Of course I would. He won't marry me but -- [ laughter ] KING: You would marry him? MARQUARDT: I think that's a special relationship between Holly and Hef. WILKINSON: Yes, I'll leave it to Holly and Hef. KING: You wouldn't, why not? HEFNER: Why not what? KING: Marry her. HEFNER: Oh, I don't think that's out of the question. Let's put it this way. This is as perfect a relationship as I've ever had and I don't want to spoil it.


In the GND commentary she talks about her future wedding reception here

And having children with Hef [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/secretsofplayboy/s/

She also talks about renovations, wanting to eventually add a movie theatre to the mansion here


On Settling Down with Hef:

PR.com: He has been quoted as saying that your relationship with him is, and this is his quote, he says, "It's as perfect a relationship as I've ever had." So, why do you think he still feels the need to have two other girlfriends in his life? Holly Madison: Well, before I came along, Hef had this whole thing going on with seven girlfriends. I think part of that was because he had been hurt in relationships before and he didn't really want to be particularly close to one girl. He just kind of wanted to have a lot of girls around and have fun and, you know, it just happened to be something that was good for his image as well. That wasn't why he started to do it, but it turned out that way. Since we've become closer, the numbers have become less and less. Kendra [Wilkinson], Bridget and I are just really good friends and we have the show going on now and that's a lot of fun. So, you know, it's working for now. But I do want to settle down with him eventually.

PR.com: Is that something that you and he discuss, the fact that you'd like for it to be just the two of you?

Holly Madison: We've discussed it a little bit, but not seriously. It's not something that I'm really counting on or believe until it happens.

Bonus from Kendra’s book:

The downside was that at one point Holly really thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with Hef, and he loved her, too, so it was a tough breakup for both of them. When Hef didn't give her the relationship she wanted, she got really depressed. She was devoted to Hef and she cared a lot about Playboy as a whole. She was a total go-getter in life, especially with Hef. She had his heart; she knew what she wanted from him, and she usually got it.