[Discussion] What are your most motivational songs?

I have finals for my summer courses next week and I really am passionate about music. I thought it would be a great idea to ask you guys which songs help you feel pumped-up/motivated to kick ass in whatever it is that you do.

I would appreciate if you provided the title and the artist. So far for me, there are the following songs:

Enter the Ninja, by Die Antwoord

Eye of the Tiger, by Survivor

Final Countdown, by Europe

Gonna Fly Now (rocky theme song), by Bill Conti

Summer (presto)- Vivaldi

Still Alive- Lisa Miskovsky

Ecstasy of Gold (Theme from the good, the bad, and the ugly)- Ennio Morricone

Please let me know of the ones that help you reach your goals! I'm thinking of making a spotify playlist to compile them later, and I'll post it here. thanks

Edit, 12 hours later: I'm impressed by your responses! Keep them coming! Write down songs that give you a burning desire to WIN; songs that make you feel like you can do ANYTHING.

I'm compiling these on Spotify for all of us the moment I'm done with finals! Cheers

I want to congratulate you on your over 300 responses! Excellent work, this playlist is gonna be off the hook! Keep them coming!

