Watch the public hearing about the new citizenship reform bill live!
So today the Committee for Interior and Homeland Security Affairs will hold a public hearing on the new citizenship reform bill. The hearing will start at 2pm and will be livestreamed on .
The following experts have been invited to give their opinion on the matter:
- proposed by the SPD:
- Jürgen Dusel, Commissioner for the Affairs of the Disabled, Federal Ministry of Social Affairs
- Prof. Dr. Sina Fontana, Professor for Public Law and Crisis Resilience, University of Augsburg
- Gerd Wiegel, Head of the Department for Democracy, Migration and Anti-Racism policy, DGB (German Trade Union Umbrealla Organization)
- proposed by the CDU/CSU:
- Prof. Matthias Friehe, tenure track professor for Public and Administrative Law, EBS University for Economy and Law, Wiesbaden
- Dr. Wilhelm Kanther, Head of the Department for Legal Affairs, Hesse State Ministry for Interior and Sports (Note: this person is the son of famously right wing CDU Federal interior minister (1993-1998) Manfred Kanther, of Hesse)
- Dr. Ferdinand Weber, MLE, team member of the chair for Public and European Law, University of Göttingen
- proposed by the Greens:
- Christiana Bukalo, Statefree e.V., Munich (NOTE: An organization fighting for the rights of stateless persons. Bukalo is the founder of the organization and actually a stateless person)
- Prof. Dr. Tarik Tabbara, Berlin School of Economics and Law
- proposed by the FDP:
- Johann D. Riemenschneider, attorney and adjunct instructor, Berlin School of Economics and Law
- proposed by the AfD:
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ulrich Vosgerau, Berlin (Note: Vosgerau completed his habilitation at the University of Cologne, which entitles him to use the title Priv.-Doz. and become a professor. He is also an attorney, a member of the CDU and has represented the AfD before the Constitutional Court)
- participating in accordance with Sec. 69a subsec. 2 of the Bundestag rules of procedure (NOTE: the committee document says subsec. 3 which is wrong), this rule says that if a law touches upon essential rights of local authorities, their representatives are to be invited to the hearing:
- Dr. Klaus Ritgen, German Association of Counties, Berlin
- Daniela Schneckenburger, German Association of Cities, Berlin
EDIT: You can find a summary of the statements given and also expert opinions in written form (including from experts and organizations that weren't present at the hearing):