Watch the debate on the new citizenship reform bill live!
Today the first reading will be held on the new citizenship reform bill. The agenda says 11:40am which should make it possible to watch during the lunch break but more often than not due to MPs speaking longer on earlier agenda items the time may be pushed back some.
You can see the livestream at
More info from the Bundestag system can be found here:
Now at the first reading no official changes can be made to the bill but since there will be a speaker from each caucus in the Bundestag, attention should especially be paid to the speakers from the coalition partners as they may mention what changes they are going to go for. There may be additional speakers besides the initial statements. After the debate the bill will be sent to the Interior Committee, which will debate amendments (behind closed doors), but the committee also seems to have planned a public hearing of expert opinion.
If you missed the livestream, the videos should be made available relatively quickly (EDIT: the videos are already available at the second link given above), and verbatim minutes should be available within the week.
EDIT: the transcipt can be found here, starting from page 47: