Noob Question probably
Hi All,
I'm trying to sell an AR60 account with some C6 (yea I spent a good amount of money on this) but I get the "too many requests" error when I try to change my email.
I am the first and only owner of this account and always have played from the same place...
contacting support didn't work, they made me fill twice a form where they ask for VERY SPECIFIC things like the gpu, processor of my device, first day I made the account, payment history...and after I gave them all that (and more, since the last question is an open question asking me if I can give more info to help them figure out it's me) I've been denied the email change -.- because they can't prove I lol.
Question is: Is there any workaround to this? I tried playing a lot for 5 days now (I was very doubtful it'd work but at this point it was worth trying), still same error. Some people say to use a VPN, and I have a VPN, but that's if you are the buyer and you'd use the VPN to get to the same country of your seller as far as I understood it.
If there's not a workaround, is there a way I can sell my account without giving away the email?
Thanks in advance if someone can take some time to help out