Beginner using Ancestry for Family Tree!
Hi! My grandma gave me the task last summer of working through her and my grandfather’s genealogical history. I began a (VERY) basic family tree using Ancestry with information that has been accumulated over time from research done by some family members over the years that my grandma had given me to get started and to go further than what we have. However, I have been unsure and worried about how to move past a certain period of time in regards to relatives.
What are the best sources to go about finding critical information that can further one’s family tree? I know that things things like newspapers, graves, birth & death records, censuses, christenings/baptism records, etc are all useful pieces of information that can help validate your family tree’s legitimacy. I am unsure how to acess those things OR the best way to access them. Especially if they’re records from overseas countries. My grandma and grandpa has always told my mom and her siblings that their ancestors were from countries such as England, Germany, France, and Scotland. Are there any cites dedicated to such information from these countries? I have thought there are but not sure of what they would be called.
I know that it would make my mom and especially my grandmother so incredibly happy if I could provide them with the information that they have wondered about for so long, but could not dedicate the time to research and validate information themselves.
Thank you so much! It truly would mean the world to me if I could get a response at all on the post! 🥹🩵