Privilege isn't a yes or no switch

I think a large amount of the bickering on this sub could be summed up by saying: privilege is not something you either have or don't have. Being a man does not discount you from a hard life, but that doesn't mean you can't also receive benefit from it. Being black but rich doesn't cancel out, you're just privileged in some ways and not in others. Being a man or a woman doesn't mean each side doesn't have their own problems. Being gay or straight doesn't mean both sides don't have unique problems.

People just seem terrified of the entire idea of privilege at all, despite the fact that so many things show it exists. From poverty rates, to police brutality rates, to homeless LGBT youth or rape of women, people are different. I know, huge revelation. It turns out, you can't actually put people in neat little boxes, X group is not all the same, but that doesn't mean group privilege doesn't exist.