We suck

Seriously, we will find a way to blame everyone and everything other than ourselves for the shit that we have to go through. It’s all big talk that we do on Reddit on all places. “Trump this, Trump that”, and yet none of us do nothing cause we are fucking lazy. At least Mangione did something as extreme as it was and guess what happened, we were all big talk shit and the system got back to the same way it was again because we didn’t do shit once he opened the gate for action to start.

And don’t even get me on social interactions. We are so unhinged to the point that if a stranger asks you how’s your day going, we get “traumatized”. I get that we are the first generation to have to experience the rise of iPhones and the internet. But good Lord the experience failed (or it succeeded for the billionaires) we are now lonely af. And we know we are lonely and yet we still dwell on it. And when the opportunities are there for us to get out our depressive holes, we either ignore our genuine friends or lie to them so that we can be alone playing multiplayer games by yourself.

Dating? We have the most easily reached information in history and yet we were able to fall in for the culture wars blaming one and the other. Women would watch and follow miserable woman giving dating advice that fucks up relationships like the “treat me like a queen” and on the side you got men watching sex traffickers on how to be an top dog alpha male and how to get woman by treating like shit. And the moment someone wants to say why they struggle when it comes to dating or making friends, they are called incel or some other goofy term that WE said it so much that they have lost their meaning. “Why do girls go for bad boys?” INCELLL!!! “Why do men just wanna hookups?” FEMCELLL!!! It’s so fucking immature and dismissive and it doesn’t help anyone to be able to better themselves. Yall always gotta have an opinion on something and fuck whoever disagrees with you. Yes your 18 yo straight outta high school knows how people should live their lives. Sometimes yall need to stfu, seriously. Especially when it comes to us infantilizing ourselves even when we are grown ass adults, excusing bad behaviors because the “frontal lobe does not stop develop until 25.”

And we know all this. We know we are currently living under a government that’s screwing with us. We know that we are lonely and full of mental illnesses. We know we don’t have friends or partners. We know that social media and porn fucked our sense of reality, yet we are still here crying and indulging the same behavior which sadly is getting pushed on the Alpha generation too and they’ll probably just going to be GenZ 2.0 but worse.

I went through high school, did not make friends or got hoes. And I blame myself for both being awkward and afraid to approach girls. But I also blame this culture that everything we do that involves social interaction is considered weird and creepy, to the post that it pushed me and a lot other people away from even trying. We are the empathetic generation, we talk about mental health awareness, sexual assault prevention, the dangers of social media, but aye for that one kid that dared to strike up a conversation with a girl and was a really awkward about it.

I just wish I was born in a different time. It’s rough out here but mostly cause it’s a pain talking to you guys.


Theres a lot of people that say this is only online shit. Some of it is especially when it come to politics, but in my own personal experience stuff from the internet has slowly made its way to real life, especially when it’s about dating and making friendships. Because no matter what you say most of us are still really socially awkward and this has affected our abilities in creating and maintaining meaning relationships and friendships. Like I have a lot outside, im training for my future job and Im always talking to my other military buddies. So far im not in a position that I can settle and actually start trying to live life and like majority of other normal people can, but once I get stationed in my permanent base I want to go back to do my hobbies like Muay Thai and play guitar and be able to actually drive around and talk to other people again.