question for us right wing gen z

edit: question for U.S. right wing gen z... since it's such a big deal and apparently people can't decipher who i'm addressing despite the actual content of the post :) someone actually told how me to paragraph on here via mobile, rather than just complaining needlessly and not answering my question. so thanks, and here's the restructure!

FURTHER EDIT: why do you believe elon won't exploit his government power to enrich himself, when he is already the richest man on earth, thus proving he has no issue with making his wealth off of the backs of others? what makes you think he cares so deeply about a country he wasn't even born in, to fix it and run his own companies with "great difficulty" as a result, without some kind of massive benefit?

from a brit- this is intended as genuine question. how do you guys still have faith in the current administration, especially when your country is getting dogged on internationally for it, and nothing but loss has come from it so far? is that not a MAJOR red flag to you?

do you not find it concerning that your allies are cut off, with putin showing no loyalty to trump despite him following his rule book? are you not worried about how weak your country has become? there is no soft power left and now if something were to happen, no one would help you out.

do you not feel disgusted at the notion of canada and greenland being invaded/annexed?

i think maybe it's a culture thing of "us is the best" or, a perceived competition between countries to out do one another, which makes people believe us foreigners just hate you or don't want the best for you; when in reality, that's not the case.

like trudeau said in his speech, no one wants to see the american people suffer. no one wants to work against you. i used to see america so differently and now y'all are widely disliked across the board. in my job, i even overhear boomer customers talking about what a shit show trump is, how ridiculously uneducated the population must be to allow him to become potus. which is insane, i heard them mentioning the bone spurs and everything?? how is it the elderly here seem to be more aware of the ruin and corruption than the general populas over there? i've been flawed hearing so many conversations like this from everyday people over here recently. i just don't get it.

i believe a large amount of maga is older generations voting based on culture war issues, but i always thought gen z was a lot better than that. you guys are becoming a fascist state and it is honestly horrifying to see.