Help!! I have had this issue twice now. The Gel X nail is rock solid but the polish on top just chips right off. I tried to file the gel-x nail with the builder on top, my thinking was that maybe it was too smooth, I then applied Light Elegance Tack to ensure the product stuck to the nail and I am still getting chipping. What am I doing wrong? The products I am using: Apres Gel-x tip Light Elegance tack Light Elegance Skinny Jimmy Builder Gel Light Elegance Holo Butterbling

Help!! I have had this issue twice now. The Gel X nail is rock solid but the polish on top just chips right off. I tried to file the gel-x nail with the builder on top, my thinking was that maybe it was too smooth, I then applied Light Elegance Tack to ensure the product stuck to the nail and I am still getting chipping. What am I doing wrong? The products I am using: Apres Gel-x tip Light Elegance tack Light Elegance Skinny Jimmy Builder Gel Light Elegance Holo Butterbling