26 & just found out I have Galactosemia?
I am making this post hoping anyone can offer any kind of information to me about this. For background, I was diagnosed as a baby and went to the hospital several times regarding it. My mom has never really told me that I had galactosemia, I just knew that i had some sensitive to some kind of dairy products and that when I was a baby I was sick and “had something about milk”. She casually mentioned this to me today and she didn’t have a ton of information to share besides the fact that it was supposedly more mild and that they were mainly supposed to watch what i eat from ages 0-5 and i was expected to “mostly grow out of it”
I have no idea what the implications of this are. I feel sick sometimes when I eat some dairy or large amounts and used to pass out randomly as a child (not sure if it’s related) and now have PCOS & insulin resistance. I have been ttc for a few years now and have read that there are potential serious fertility issues that it can cause and I am just trying to make heads or tails of this. I also understand that there are different types of Galactosemia but don’t understand what they mean, and don’t even know what to say to my doctor or which doctor to go to. Can anyone offer me any advice at all? How concerned do I really need to be?