English Dialogue In GMMTV series

It feels like recently we've seen an increase in English dialogue in GMMTV series (i.e. Junior and Louis in P10L, Earth and Mix in Ossan's Love, Mond in MGB). What are your thoughts on it?

I think it's fun every now and again and shows that they are paying attention to the ever growing international popularity of the BL genre. I can also appreciate that its a chance for actors to show off their skills - whether pushing their comfort zone by acting in a different language, or showing their fluency for others who have a good grasp of it.

But sometimes it feels like it's just thrown in there with no real purpose? Like EM in Ossan's Love I get since it was plot driven, but in today's MGB, Mond's dialogue seemed kinda forced and it distracted me quite a bit. Regardless, it definitely seems like the trendy thing to do right now!