Scarlet Heart - Which Prince do you think everyone is

not sure if we have had a discussion like this already apologies if it's a repeat

What are y'alls predictions for who will play which Prince?

I went off what I could remember from watching Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo. I've added the cast lists from MDL to help jog everyone's memory! If you haven't watched it you can guess randomly too 😂 but I would recommend watching, it's really good.

My predictions:

4th Prince - Win,

8th Prince - Tay,

3rd Prince - Book,

13th Prince - Phuwin,

10th Prince - Fourth,

14th Prince - Nanon,

9th Prince - Perth,

Tay and Book could potentially swap as well as Nanon and Perth. Tay could also be Crown Prince. I wanted to do it in true age order but went off of vibes instead. Fourth would be perfect as 10th Prince.

Don't analyse too seriously it's just a fun discussion while we wait for it to come 2026. We can create a new post if there are any cast changes or updates :)