Who I would cast in Only Friends: Dream On

I know someone else has posted something like this before, but I forgot to add this idea there, and too much time has passed so I'm making my own post. (EDIT: This is just for fun. I don’t intend to disrespect the current cast.)

The first actors that came to my mind were AJ and JJ because two of the characters are brothers (Earth & Ohm). Could you imagine being told by people that you're less attractive than your identical twin brother? Their arguments would be so vicious:

"Because of you, nobody loves me! If only you weren't born!"

"Hah! Even if I never existed, you'd still be unlovable. Blame your own rotten soul."

Then, I would cast Kay in Leng's place, aiming to get AJ's pants while initially brushing off JJ's advances. This is because I've seen some interest in JJKay.

To keep up the HSF references, SkyNani will replace JossGawin, with Nani bitterly yearning and Sky being totally oblivious.

And who will take Mix's place? Maybe Pepper, because THK.

And the sensible(?) lesbian will be played by Sammy!