What you doing with your Friday?
Last Friday ThamePo ended with a heartwarming final episode. And today when I was looking forward for my Thamepo Day, I came towards a very obvious realisation. There's no more episodes to look forward too. Now what should I do with my Fridays? I have no idea. I mean there's lots of pending work, some shows(THK, Boy next world, highschool frenemy, every you every me, Jack & Joker etc.) I left half way I will come back to it soon, but I can't find motivation to do it so I will just ignore this options and ask you guys. So what you doing on Friday?
Last Friday ThamePo ended with a heartwarming final episode. And today when I was looking forward for my Thamepo Day, I came towards a very obvious realisation. There's no more episodes to look forward too. Now what should I do with my Fridays? I have no idea. I mean there's lots of pending work, some shows(THK, Boy next world, highschool frenemy, every you every me, Jack & Joker etc.) I left half way I will come back to it soon, but I can't find motivation to do it so I will just ignore this options and ask you guys. So what you doing on Friday?