The Western world's current version of capitalism seems that it is slowly collapsing everywhere. What will replace it?

The political center is falling in country after country. American voters' choice of fascism this week is the latest sign of despair at ever-declining living standards for the majority of people. Germany's government is near collapse too. Since 2010 its companies have invested €650 billion ($700 billion) to create jobs overseas, while at home its economy stagnates.

Globalization has made such logic inexorable, and what has deindustrialized nations such as America and Britain before it.

China will soon add the productivity of robotics and AI to its industrial might. In our current system of capitalism, the rest of the Western world's manufacturing economy is headed for being gutted.

Some people think tariffs and protectionism may help. Perhaps, though I suspect Oligarchs and the corporate elite have so thoroughly captured most political parties, left and right, across the Western world - that they won't allow it.

It seems this system has its own decline built in. What comes next - will there come a time when people start talking of post-scarcity economics to replace the current system?