Stops Don't Work
Hey traders,
I just started learning TradeStation for futures trading. I work on a simulated account right now.
I set up stop market orders for my positions. They get triggered, but they don't get stopped out. They work after price fluctuates up and down multiple times in the price range where I set my stop loss order. I've never had an issue like that in stock trading, Once the price hits the loss, I am sold out. Am I missing something? I don't think it's a volume problem since this is paper trading. I am doing a silly mistake and I don't realize that? I added a picture for reference.
P.S. This happens in cryptocurrency contracts. in ES I did not have this problem so far.
Edit: shout out to u/Bostradomous for the explanation. this partially answers my question.
Other than that, I think either I coulnd't ask the question right or there is something I don't know about futures trading yet. Stop market means when your stop order gets triggered, your position is being closed immediately by taking the first price possible. If you set a stop limit order, the stop is still activated but needs to get filled. so, why does it not work this way? when i buy on market i get filled immediately on whatever price i get. but stop market doesn't work that way. this is where i get frustrated.