Moms who could bf and stopped-do you regret it?
Ive been BF my son for the last 4 months with a night bottle of pumped milk. I’ve had a lot of challenges in order to do it, but I pushed through it. Well out of nowhere my supply dipped this last week and I’ve had to give a lot more bottles. I used my last bag of BM yesterday and I mainly did formula today and I loved it. It felt so easy, I could give him the exact amount that he needed, and he even spit up less than normal. I was thinking of letting my supply dry up because of how much a positive experience I had, but then I started to wonder if I would regret it.
So my question to the moms who could bf or pump and decided to stop… do you regret it at all?
Edit to add: thank you all for your kind comments. After I posted that I kept on nursing and pumping while supplementing with formula-to now mostly pumping and needing to do mostly formula. I decided last night I’m going to start weaning. I nursed my son for the last time this morning and I feel good about my decision. Im excited to get my body back, easily feed my son, and know the exact amount that he is getting.