Second 2024 Escape PHEV transmission to fail at 4,000 miles. Is this common or am I cursed?

In December, I test drove a dealer Ford Escape PHEV, which they were using for internal use. (Manager used it as a daily commuter.) They were going to sell it to me as Brand New, but with a steep discount because it had about 4,000 miles on it. A few days later, I arrived with a check, and they said the one I drove was unavailable, because the transmission had to be replaced. We negotiated the purchase of a 0-mile vehicle, same model, from their lot.

Now, 3 months later, I have about 4,000 miles on my new Escape PHEV. As I was pulling out of the garage, the car slammed to a halt and the dashboard lit up. After some off/on cycles, we were able to get the car to drive again, to bring it to the dealer. And now this one has the same issue. A transmission problem.

I don't have more details yet, about the specific failure. Just that they're awaiting details and authorization from Ford.

So, is this a common issue? Am I going to regret having this thing? Or is it just a fluke that I was affected by two separate Ford Escape PHEV transmission failures?

Edit: Thank you all for your responses! I knew my Prius CVTs have been solid, but I didn't realize that the Ford eCVT also has a very good reputation (and may even be licensed from Toyota?).

This vehicle is not listed as being covered by the recall. However, it sure does have similar symptoms as the recalled vehicles. I'm going to ask the dealer if, perhaps they have been misidentifying battery issues as transmission issues, and maybe Ford needs to expand their recall.